Who can help me?

How to find my representatives?

At every level of government (local council, state and federal) there is a person responsible for the area you live in. Your representative can advise and assist you with the issues you want to change.

Use theĀ Electoral Boundaries tool to find out who represents you at the local and state government level.

Find your representatives for the lower house (House of Representatives) and the upper house (the Australian Senate) of the Federal Parliament on the Parliament of Australia’s website.



Activity Instructions

When you have worked out who has the power to change an issue, the next step is to find out how you will approach them and what you are going to say.

Drag the paragraph descriptors into correct order. Once completed, use it to start writing your letter.

Why it is that something needs to be addressed?
Include how they can get back to you.
Reflect on the impact of your issue or challenge.
What do you need assistance with?
Who are you writing the letter to?
Who are you and what is your issue of concern?
What are the benefits of the change you are seeking?
Thank them for their time.

Who can help me? (Word, 170kB)