What’s important?

Activity Instructions

A recent UK report (Introducing Generation Citizen), on young people found that the social issues teenagers are most concerned about are: unemployment and access to work, living costs, bullying, crime and student debt.

Do you think this would be true for Queensland and Australia? Drag and drop these community issues in the order of importance to you (1 as the most and 9 as the least important).

Climate change - the warming of the earth's temperature, causing changes in the environment
Racism - discrimination against others due to their race or ethnicity
Mental health - lack of adequate services to support those with mental health challenges
Sexting - the implications of messaging sexually explicit images on the future of youth
Public Transport - regularity, congestion and access to adequate public transport services
Animal cruelty - the abuse, violence and/or torture of animals
Cyber bullying - bullying an individual or group through the internet, social media and/or mobile devices
The treatment of asylum seekers who seek refugee status in Australia
Homelessness - young people leaving their families to live on the streets